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主题:汽车轻量化 铝合金汽车及配件 发布新帖 回复该帖
汽车轻量化 铝合金汽车及配件

铝合金保险杠的卓越性能及实现 Excellent Performance and Accomplishment of Aluminum Bumper

1. 轻量化---在保证汽车的强度和安全的前提下,尽可能地降低汽车的整备质量,从而提高汽车的动力性能;
Light-weight: On the premise that guarantee the strength and safety of automobiles, try to reduce the Curb Weight as much as possible to improve the automotive power performance.
2. 环 保: 实验证明,汽车质量降低一半,燃料消耗也会降低将近一半。可见汽车的轻量化同时也达到了经济、节能减排的效果。
Environmental Protection-Proved by experiment, reducing by half of Curb Weight can make cost of fuel almost reduce by half. Light-weight achieve the purpose of weight reduction and make saving cost, saving energy and reducing emissions at the same time.
3. 安 全: 铝合金保险杠能大大的提高碰撞时能量的缓冲及吸收效果,从而提高人、车的安全系数;
Safety-Aluminum Bumper can improve the buffering effect of collision and the effect of shock-absorbed energy to increase the safety factors of human and automotives.
4. 铝合金保险杠实现---经过多方论证,为达到以上的效果,铝合金是目前最理想的材料。高精的机械加工及纯熟的焊接工艺为其实现提供了保障。
Aluminum Bumper Finishing- Through multi-disciplined research, in order to obtain above mentioned effects, aluminum alloy is the best choice currently. Precise machining and practised welding technics provide guarantee for the aluminum bumper accomplishment.
5. 德国GW公司能够提供铝合金保险杠的数控拉弯机。

天窗导轨和敞篷系统Sunroof Rail & Convertible System

1. 铝的比重只有钢铁的三分之一,符合汽车轻量化特征。
the density of aluminum is only one-third of steel that in according with automotive light-weight character.
2. 铝合金天窗外表美观,具有良好的强度和刚度,装饰性强, 并符合承重要求 。 • Aluminum sunroof has beautiful appearance, considerable strength and rigidity, attractive decoration and satisfied load bearing
3. 铝合金天窗导轨具有良好的成型性和尺寸稳定性,回收利用率高,从而降低生产成本。 • Aluminum sunroof rails with good formability and dimensional stability, high rate of recovery, thus reducing the production costs.
4. 提供汽车天窗导轨和敞篷系统等一站式解决方案,包含挤压,氧化,深加工等。 • To provide one-stop solutions for sunroof rails including extrusion, anodizing and machining etc.
5. 德国GW公司能够提供铝合金汽车天窗导轨和敞篷系统的数控拉弯机。

车顶行李架 Roof Rack

Portability & Solidity: Aluminum material is much lighter than Steel with density 1/3 that of steel, but can still reach the requested load bearing of rack, and also reduce the Curb Weight.
Fashion& Beauty: Clean and Exquisite Appearance, Attractive Decoration Effect
3.安装方便:简易、 组合式行李架。
Simple Installation: Type of Facility& Assembled Rack
4. 加工工艺:熔铸-挤压-锯切-拉弯-时效-表面处理-总装
Process: Casting-Extrusion-Cutting-stretchending-Ageing-Surface treatment-Assembling
5. 客户定制:为您提供一站式个性化产品定制
Customized Products: Provide One-Stop Solutions for Individual Products
6. 整体特点:安装简单,装载轻松,安全环保,时尚美观
Advantages: Simple Installation, Easy Loading, Safe and Green, Fashionable and Beautiful

车身亮条 Decorative Trims

Fashion& Beauty: Clean and Exquisite Appearance, Attractive Decoration Effect

联系人:李先生Tel: 010-51292977

9/20/2011 9:37:00 AM  [楼主]  回复

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