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主题:wiped down with alcohol, so the rat had 发布新帖 回复该帖
[出售]wiped down with alcohol, so the rat had
The basic insight of the cancer stem cell theory is that there is a hierarchy of cells in a tumor, with the stem cells at the top generating the mature cells that are the majority. Most researchers accept that this is a good description of leukemias because Gleevec, a highly effective drug for chronic myelogenous leukemia, does not kill stem cells, and the leukemia returns if the treatment is stopped. But with solid tumors, Dr. Vogelstein said, “the jury is out.” If stem cells are common in solid tumors, not just a small resistant reservoir of cells, “then there’s no difference between the stem cells and the bulk cancer — so a screen for drugs to kill melanoma cells is by definition also going to escort in shanghai kill the melanoma’s cancer stem cells.” Still, in Dr. Vogelstein’s view, the Broad Institute’s new screening method is important whether or not thewmy0814@126.com cancer stem cell theory is correct. “Because most of the compounds in use now clearly aren’t doing the job we’d all like,” he said, “then novel methods for screening could be extremely valuable.”

The Broad Institute researchers hope that pharmaceutical companies will use their screening method to begin to develop drugs against cancer stem cells. Eating fatty food appears to take an almost immediate toll on both short-term memory and exercise performance, according to new research on rats and people. It’s already known that long-term consumption of a high-fat diet is associated with weight gain, heart disease and declines in cognitive function. But the new research shows how indulging in fatty foods over the course of a few days can affect the brain and body long before the extra pounds escort in shanghai show up. To determine the effect of a fatty diet on memory and muscle performance, researchers studied 32 rats that were fed low-fat rat chow and trained for two months to complete a challenging maze. The maze included eight different paths that ended with a treat of sweetened condensed milk. The goal was for the rat to find each treat without doubling back into a corridor where it had already been. The maze was wiped down with alcohol, so the rat had to rely on memory rather than sense of smell.

8/17/2009 7:29:00 PM  [楼主]  回复

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